Holiday Reflections

A moment at the Hotel Colorado this holiday season.  You can feel the joy and magic of the season... and the spreading of good cheer!

A moment at the Hotel Colorado this holiday season.  You can feel the joy and magic of the season... and the spreading of good cheer!

As the holidays arrive and the year comes to a close, there are so many things we’ve been faced with this year that have us pause in reflection.  We live in challenging times and so many communities have suffered through disasters.  Hurricanes, wildfires, mass shootings are only a few and these events have caused destruction and untold hardship for people in communities near and far.

So, how do we make sense of it all, in the midst of a holiday season when there is still so much despair and uncertainty?  As I reflect on this season of peace and giving, I’m reminded of those things that seem most important during a holiday and each and every day.

Here are a few things I invite each of us to consider this holiday season.

Gratitude.  It has been said that gratitude is the secret to a joy-filled life. It’s about finding what is good in each moment in our lives. No matter what is happening around us, there is always something to be grateful for. So, discover what you are thankful for—even the people or situations that have been challenging and watch how gratitude can change everything.

Connection.  Now is a great time to connect with family, friends, co workers— the people in your daily lives that are important to you.  Slow down.  Be present.  Listen.  Show empathy.  Be authentic.

Serving. There are so many people working together to serve those in need this year. We can each find a way to contribute to others to serve in our communities and lend a helping hand.

Celebrate. During this time of the year, we get to celebrate the holiday season and soak in the meaning we derive from it all.  Before we know it, the season will be behind us and the new year will unfold.

In these fleeting moments, I’m going to look for the joy in this season and notice love is all around us.

Wishing you peace this holiday season!
