Creating Energy

Ever feel like there is never enough time in a day?  Do you find yourself trying to schedule or squeeze in one more thing and feeling exhausted?

We often forget that time is a limited resource. Yes, we get 24 hours in each day, but we act as if this will somehow change and we will be able to get more stuff done.

The Science of Stamina points to a different way of getting things done. Rather than focusing on time, we can actually focus on personal energy. Unlike time, personal energy is renewable.

Replenishing your energy can build your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual resilience.

So how do you start? The first step is about self-discovery. Begin by asking yourself how you spend your energy. Take some time to think about how you spent the last 24, 48 and 72 hours.

Start by drawing a circle and dividing it into four quadrants.  Label each section with one of the following words: Mental Energy, Physical Energy, Emotional Energy and Spiritual Energy.

Notice where you are spending your energy each day.  Mental energy refers to the energy we expend thinking or learning something new, often using our intellect.  This is time spent in our heads.  Physical energy is about motion.  It’s about how much energy we expend moving and being physically active. Emotional energy is about how we expend energy in our relationships, in how we connect with others. Fueling positive emotions and defusing negative emotions is part of our emotional energy.  Spiritual energy, while it can be about faith, is where we spend our energy living our core values. It’s also about spending time reflecting on what is most important to you.

What does it take to lead a productive life, tackle tough challenges and discover a life with few regrets? Research is showing us that when we focus on our well-being we actually boost our resilience, feel better and live longer!

So let’s consider these four energy areas and how you can boost your well-being and resilience and have more energy.

Physical Resilience—don’t just sit there, move! Research proves that people who are active live longer!  For starters you can: enhance your sleep, exercise to reduce stress, stretch and get outside.

Mental Resilience—Brain science tells us that we can build new neural pathways when we engage in and learn new things. So, tackle something new. Fly an airplane. Drive to work a new way. Do a puzzle. Learn to speak a new language.  It turns out that our willpower gets stronger the more we exercise it.  So, think and tackle something new and build your mental resilience.

Emotional Resilience—did you know that we are biochemically wired to want to connect and help one another?  So, be sure to connect with those around you! Yes, family, friends, co-workers,  neighbors, and new acquaintances.

Spiritual Resilience.  A great way to boost our spiritual energy is to practice mindfulness daily, slow down. Reflect, decrease judgment, practice gratitude. Take time for “you”. Live your core values.  Spend some quiet time walking, meditating, reflecting on what is most important to you.

So, as you begin to take your next important steps to rejuvenate and renew your energy, remember this:  Science is now telling us there is no limit to what we can inspire the brain to achieve. By focusing on energy and renewal, we begin to follow a lifelong trend in the direction of well-being.