So… Really, What’s Next?

Now that summer is upon us – and spring graduations and school ending are behind us, have you ever wondered how to keep the things you’ve learned alive? What do we do after we complete a degree, a week-long training, or even a ½ day workshop?  How do we move from learning to application, from skill development to setting a vision for the future?  And what motivates us to move forward rather than putting our new learning on a shelf in our office?

Here are 3 steps you can take to help you “frame up” your learning and get to “What’s Next.”

Step 1.  Accountability.  This leadership “buzzword” really has many meanings.  But in the coaching realm accountability is a way to measure action and a way to report on learning.  Accountability can help you stay on track as you plan and commit to action and it allows you to learn from the actions you take or don’t take.  Accountability really means taking stock of what you’ve been working on and what will be worked on as you move forward.  It’s a great time to check in with yourself and ask, how will I be accountable for my own success?  And who can help?  This is where a mentor, supervisor, colleague or coach can partner with you as you claim your learning and begin to test drive it.  Accountability is about commitment—to self, to others, and to a higher vision of yourself.

Step 2. Take Action.  Develop an action plan for moving forward.  It sounds simple enough, and yet this is where many of us stall out or freeze up.  Our inner critic reminds us that there’s too much to choose from and never enough time.  An action plan, however, can be just the thing to ground us, keep our learning alive, and move us forward.  And, action plans can be simple.  Don’t try to tackle everything you’ve learned in one plan.  But, rather choose a few key areas where you’d like to focus.  Work with a coach to develop the specific steps or actions you will take.  Consider the SMART Goal formula to clarify your next steps.  Is your action step:

  • Specific - Your objectives are clear and detailed.
  • Measureable - Results can be measured.
  • Action Oriented -Those who are invested in this goal, agree to it.
  • Realistic - Achievable with available resources.
  • Time Specific - achievable within a realistic time frame.

Step 3.  Thread to the Future.  As you reflect on what you’ve learned, notice what stands out for you. In other words, what is compelling? What excites you? And once you’ve identified this, ask, “Why”?  Why is this compelling and what meaning does it hold for you? What value does it have to you?

When we can identify what holds meaning for us, what energizes us, and what ignites passion or motivation, then we can begin to link this to the future—to the steps that enable us to take our learning and to apply it. The act of taking new steps, putting our learning into action, opens doors to new opportunities and new possibilities—these steps thread our learning from the present to a new vision in the future.

Each new step can change our thinking and our actions—propelling us forward with purpose, new understanding, and a deeper connection to the things that bring meaning.